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Outreach available for your school or college

If you are a school or college staff member and would like to see the outreach offer that is available for your institution, please use the search below. Should your school or college not be listed please refer to the overview page to link to your areas Hub.

Thriving Lives Toolkit

HEON has supported SCIP in the development of a toolkit to support schools with their provision for Service Children.

To help support schools with their provision for Service Children a toolkit has been produced. The Thriving Lives Toolkit provides schools with a framework of 7 principles through which to reflect on their practice and a 3 tier set of CPD resources. 

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HEON Activities

HEON are planning on running a fantastic series of events during the coming academic year. Find the details here.

HEON are planning on running a fantastic series of events during the coming academic year. Below you will find out information about each of these initiatives. 

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Royal Holloway – School Engagement

Engage with one of our talks/workshops held either at the Royal Holloway campus, at your school/college or online.

Opportunities, support & inspiration from Royal Holloway, University of London

Engage with one of our talks/workshops held either at the Royal Holloway campus, at your school/college or online.

Our Widening Access team and the UK Schools and Colleges Liaison Team would be delighted to either visit your students in person, engage with them virtually, or invite you to our beautiful campus in Egham, Surrey.

Our activities for Year 7-13 include subject tasters, support with the UCAS application process, spring & summer residentials and developing essential skills.

To book live online activities please visit here and to book activities in person please visit here.

Further details can be found on our website or you can contact us at

Our Widening Access pages also provide information about our contextual offers and the support available at the university including our range of bursaries and scholarships.

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Royal Holloway University of London

FCoT School Liaison

Your school or college has been selected to work with our school liaison work. Click here to find out more.

Farnborough College of Technology works closely with a variety of schools in the area to showcase what the college has to offer. We run taster sessions and interactive fairs on-site, and also regularly visit school parents evenings and assemblies. If you would like to find out more about FCOT and the activities we offer, please contact the School Liaison officer Keri McSweeney either by email: or by phone: 01252 407112.

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University Centre Farnborough


NCS is taking place this year click here to find out how students can get involved.

NCS avaliable this summer and it is accessible to all young people for free - NCS has launched a digital hub focusing on skills and life lessons not learnt in the classroom, based on elements of our traditional programme. As we get closer to summer the digital opportunities will grow.

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