We’ve arrived at what is most commonly known as the ‘Summer Term’ without seeing an ounce of sunshine! Fear not, HEON is here to brighten up your term with our regular insight into the goings on at the Partnership and what’s upcoming!
The past few months have been crammed with activity, we were extremely excited to be able to support the delivery alongside Royal Holloway University of London of the Spring University Residential which saw around 60 students from a number of our partner schools attend 3 days of IAG, outreach and subject tasters during the Easter break. The feedback has been excellent from staff and students and we look forward to working in this capacity alongside University of Surrey on the HEON Discover Summer School in the summer holidays.
The month of March saw us working closely with The Matthew Arnold School, where we helped deliver a variety of sessions for one of their drop down days. We worked across the whole of year 9 delivering sessions ranging from business enterprise to engineering, all with a huge interactive element including the construction of the students own bridges and boats in a race against the clock to sales pitching to our very own dragons den.
May saw the whole HEON team out delivering at Collingwood College for the Pupil Premium Conference, this was a fantastic event which saw 60 handpicked pupil premium students taking part in a carousel event including sessions based around STEM, career pathways in sport to hair & beauty. This was a fantastic opportunity for students to gain an understanding about potential future career pathways and what is available to them.
During March and April, HEON delivered a 4-week progressive programme to a group of 45 refugee and asylum seeking young people from 11 different nationalities. The programme took place at Brooklands College and focused on supporting ESOL students with their employment and education progression. Students participated in activities which developed teamwork and communication, practised identifying and writing about their hard and soft skills and filling out sections of an application form. The programme also provided information relating to UK education pathways and next steps and closed with a wellbeing resin craft session.
Following on from the 4-week programme, the same group of students were invited to attend a 3-day masterclass based at the University of Surrey in April. Students took part in Maths and English masterclasses, an engineering island taster activity and enjoyed the opportunity to explore the campus and get a feel for university life.
On top of all of the mentioned activity, we’ve had some additional delivery ranging from general revision skill sessions to subject specific revision sessions with a fantastic external deliverer, Will Rigby. Thanks to Will for delivering at Hoe Valley School, Chertsey High School, Collingwood College and Alderwood School.
We’ve also kicked off two new programmes for this academic year; ‘Foresight’ with year 9 & 10 at Fernhill School and ‘Raising Aspirations’ at Cove School – good luck to both schools and their students taking part in those.
If you would like to discuss any of the activities above then please feel free to get in touch with your allocated Partner Officer or Nathan Simpson directly.

Each month we’ll be looking to give you an insight into what’s upcoming for the following month.
The back end of the academic year sees HEON delivering a number of Taster Days, general IAG and workshops to our partner schools.
We will also be working towards delivering our Summer School, which this year is in partnership with University of Surrey!
If you would like to book any activity in preparation for the Spring/Summer term please do not hesitate to get in touch.
We look forward to working with your school soon!
personal statement workshops
Every month HEON will be highlighting one activity from our brochure. This will give you an insight into what we can offer your students. This month we will be taking a look at our ‘Personal Statement’ workshop. This workshop gives the student an introduction in how best to shape their personal statement.

The focus is to give the student the best understanding of how to present themselves on paper and how to make them stand out to give them the best chance when furthering themselves into FE/HE.
This session can be delivered both face to face and online. Face to face sessions cater to a maximum of 30 students, online can cater to an unlimited number. Session lasts up to one hour and typically suits the needs of Year 10 – 13 students.
We are always willing to tailor sessions/workshops to suit the needs of your students, if you would like to discuss this opportunity please do not hesitate to get in touch. Feel free to get in touch with your designated Partner Officer or Nathan Simpson to enquire about a finance workshop.
If you would like to discuss any of the activities above then please feel free to get in touch with your allocated Partner Officer or Nathan Simpson directly.
university for the creative arts

Year 12 Animation Summer School
Running from Wednesday 19th to Friday 21th July, this non-residential Summer School running at UCA Farnham will allow participants to explore animation with designer and director Jim Le Fevre.
Full details coming soon. If any student would like to register their interest in attending, please complete the form below:
Year 12 Bronze Architecture Arts Award

Delivered online, this 4-day (5th, 7th, 12th and 14th July) architectural masterclass will introduce students to the exciting world of spatial practice through designing, drawing, thinking and making.
This short course is suitable for students interested in studying a spatial discipline, including Architecture and Interior Design.
More information and the application form can be found here: https://www.uca.ac.uk/study-at-uca/outreach/arts-award/
The deadline for applications is 23:59 on Sunday 19 June 2023.
teachers cpd opportunities

In collaboration with UKADIA, there are range of national CPD opportunities available for teachers and support staff in the creative arts. As part of this programme, UCA are offering another Youth Mental Health First Aid course in June (Monday 19 & Monday 26 June).
Please see the link below for more information and how to book
Welcome to HEON’s updated brochure for academic year 22-23. We have worked with a number of you in the early part of the year but we are keen to continue to deliver as much as we possibly can with schools across the HEON partnership.
Do feel free to continue to identify activity and get in touch with your allocated Partner Officer to have discussions around booking activity in the diary for the upcoming Spring term. If there is something that you would like to discuss that is bespoke to your students or you have had delivered in the past then please also get in touch with your partner officer or Nathan Simpson.