November has been a fantastic month of delivery for the Partner Officer team here at HEON, we have visited a great number of schools and have been delivering a variety of topics to your students!
We’ve attended larger scale events such as ‘The Higher Degree & Apprenticeships Fair’ at Esher College, a ‘Higher Education & University Evening’ at FCOT to a number of our more traditional events such as ‘Personal Statement Workshops’ to ‘Introduction to Higher Education’ workshops.
We have been busy delivering both online and face to face across the partnership in numerous schools. MADE Training have also been out delivering on behalf of HEON to one of our partner schools.
One of our flagship programmes, FOCUS, is well underway and we had the pleasure of working with three new cohorts of students, who have been identified as at risk of becoming NEET. Meet & Greets have taken place in both Christs College, Alderwood School and Cove School. Thank you to all students that have taken part in those sessions!
We’ve also delivered our ‘Introduction to Sport in HE’ which was a fantastic day working with a number of PE students from Alderwood School. They had the opportunity to talk to a University of Surrey scholar to gain an insight about their journey into/through university sport.
If you would like to discuss any of the activities above then please feel free to get in touch with your allocated Partner Officer or Nathan Simpson directly.

Each month we’ll be looking at what’s upcoming over the next month or so, this will give you a flavour of what your school can access throughout the academic year.
With Christmas fast approaching, we have a flurry of activity taking place in the first two weeks of December.
We are very much looking forward to working with a number of partner schools on a variety of programmes ranging from FOCUS, Apprenticeship workshops, Wellbeing & Resilience sessions and Foresight catch up sessions.
We welcome Cove School, Christs College, and Alderwood School to one of the first joint FCOT visits as part of our FOCUS programme. This programme aims to work with students that have been identified as NEET by their respective schools. The visit will consist of a college application workshop, a campus tour and an inspirational talk delivered by ‘Aim A Little Higher’.Please get in touch to book in Spring term activity for your school.
We look forward to working with you in the near future!
introduction to apprenticeships
Every month HEON will be highlighting one activity from our brochure. This will give you an insight into what we can offer your students. This month we will be taking a look at our ‘Introduction to Apprenticeships’ workshop.
Our ‘Intro to Apprenticeships’ workshops are a great tool in providing students with an alternative route into higher/further education.
Our partner officers give students an insight and understanding of higher & degree apprenticeships, how to search for them and where to apply. Students will be given the opportunity to compare apprenticeships with university degrees and given a greater understanding of the benefits of both.
This session can be delivered both face to face and online. Face to face sessions cater to a maximum of 30 students, online can cater to an unlimited number. Session lasts up to one hour and typically suits the needs of Year 10 – 13 students.
We are always willing to tailor sessions/workshops to suit the needs of you students, if you would like to discuss this opportunity please do not hesitate to get in touch.
If you would like to discuss any of the activities above then please feel free to get in touch with your allocated Partner Officer or Nathan Simpson directly.
Welcome to HEON’s updated brochure for academic year 22-23. This year we will be looking to work closely with you as a school/college. If there is anything in the brochure that you would like to offer to your students, then please do not hesitate to get in touch.
We are extremely keen as always to ensure that we do our utmost to cater to your needs and if there is something that you would like to discuss that would be bespoke to your students or you have had delivered in the past then please also get in touch with your partner officer or Nathan Simpson.
university for the creative arts
Youth Mental Health First Aid Training – 2-day course delivered via Zoom. (Free for teachers & LSA’s)

Youth Mental Health First Aid (MHFA®) courses are for everyone who works with, lives with, or supports young people aged 8-18. They will teach you the skills and confidence to spot the signs of mental health issues in a young person, offer first aid and guide them towards the support they need
In doing so, you can speed up a young person’s recovery and stop a mental health issue from getting worse.
This course will teach you to listen, reassure and respond, even in a crisis – and even potentially stop a crisis from happening.
It also aims to give you the information and skills to look after your own mental health so that you can set an example for young people. By giving you the tools to have these conversations, they hope to empower you to create a mentally healthy, supportive environment in your family, school, peer group or community.
Dates: (choose either January or March)
16th and 23rd Jan – 09:00-17:00
6th and 13th March – 09:00-17:00
Attendees must be able to attend both sessions in full in order to complete the course and qualify as a Youth Mental Health First Aider. Please email with the dates you would like – please be aware that January is on it’s last few remaining places, and they will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
hampshire careers partnership
We are keen to bring to your attention resources from Hampshire Careers Partnership, we have two resources which offer SEND support for students going to college and University. Please click on the links below.
thriving lives toolkit
Have you heard of The Thriving Lives Toolkit? The Thriving Lives Toolkit is available for your school to help you to self-assess your current provision which is available for Armed Forces children.
The Thriving Lives Toolkit responds directly to this need that professionals supporting Armed Forces children want to be better connected: with each other, with evidence and with support.

It is made up of seven principals and each one has a self-assessment. The Toolkit has recently been launched as an online tool for you to be able to create an account to keep track of progress over time.
If you are interested in finding out more please visit HEON can support you completing the toolkit.
Please contact if you have any questions.
spring university – years 10 & 11
Across 3 days you’ll explore the different higher education options available to you, enjoy a range of activities, including subject taster sessions, meet current university students, and take part in social activities.
You’ll stay in our accommodation and experience life as a university student. Click the below image:

surrey sports park
Para-Badminton festival – Student Opportunity!

the sun’s expert speaker programme
Supporting and educating refugee and migrant students within inclusive and welcoming schools.
Thursday 12 January 4:00 – 5:00pm
Click on the link below for further information and to sign up: